In March of 2011, the island of Japan was devastated by the fourth largest earthquake in history. The earthquake and subsequent tsunami resulted in the complete meltdown of the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant. A nuclear catastrophe of this scale has not been seen since Chernobyl and the effects are still being felt today. Aizu, tells the story of the disaster through the eyes of local snowboarders, Futa and Hiroki, and shows how snowboarding, surfing, and skateboarding are central to this vibrant and resilient community as they continue to rebuild.
Starring: Adachi Futa & Hiroki Matsuura
Featuring: Micah Evangelista, Sophia Rouches & Masa
Directed By: Mattias Evangelista
Produced By: Phil Osborn & Kei Ishiuchi
Cinematography By: Mattias Evangelista, Micah Evangelista & Dylan Hallett
Colorist: Elliott Powell
Sound Design: Roman Richard
Edited By: Mattias Evangelista & Christian Carvallo
Title Design: Madeline Preece
Still Photography: Dylan Hallett
Music By: Mark Hadley, Marisa Anderson & Ruby Haunt
Shot on Location: Fukushima, Japan